Friday, December 19, 2008


I am fairly worried about my future now. Apart from the obvious worries of "how will I find a job" and "where will I end up living" (I guess "will I ever get married" is a question up there as well), I am now worried about "how will I keep track of things". I'm able to keep organized short term, but in terms of long term records and keeping track of things that don't immediately concern me, I am really bad.

Case in point - after moving around from Houston to Fountain Valley, CA and then to Austin, I have a bunch of mail arriving at all these different places. Since I hadn't been to either other address in ages (and that I didn't forward all my mail to Austin), I found out I've had two outstanding debts that I hadn't paid lingering around since the start of the semester. For both, I have sent checks in - one apparently bounced, the other was apparently ignored by the company. I'm beginning to wonder if companies even use emails to contact people at all.

Time to buy a file cabinet and start trying to stay organized. Geez, I don't even know where my social security card is right now.


Peter said...


A good program to keep track of finances, or even to keep track of to-dos, is crucial. I can recommend several items. The first is a good pocketbook to take notes on and to write down things to remember. The second are a collection of computer applications. The third are sets of web services. I've been testing Things ( and generally I like it. There's also TaskPaper, Remember the Milk, etc. etc.

Don't forget to check your credit report at least once a year. You can do like I do and check a different credit agency every four months. Since there are three agencies, you can use "one credit report a year" for free. Slickdeals also had a free credit score check deal recently - it may cost you some money if you want to do it now, but overall it will tell you what your credit score is and why it is that way.

I also recommend a file cabinet - or, at least, a plastic box designed for hanging folders, actually, is what I use. I keep bills, tax information, and insurance documents in there.

Yama said...

Hmm...yes, organization is more important as you get realize that things like paper and mail matter...sigh. I'm not the best at it either.

But, on the flip side, I don't think you need to really become *that* organized. Like, it's good to have some sense of organization...but what's the point in the end? Being organized doesn't bring fulfillment =)

As for "how will I find a job"...let's talk about that sometime =).

Plus, you could just get a girlfriend who is organized...note the keyword here.

jchan985 said...

wait, what? is "organized" the keyword? have previous girlfriend not been organized? =P