Friday, November 7, 2008

pretty humbling

An excerpt from an interesting old article - a computer scientist attempts to quantify in bits about how much information a human being can remember. After running a long set of experiments, the result he comes up with is that

The remarkable result of this work was that human beings remembered very nearly two bits per second under all the experimental conditions. Visual, verbal, musical, or whatever--two bits per second. Continued over a lifetime, this rate of memorization would produce somewhat over 109 bits, or a few hundred megabytes.

Kind of interesting. If the brain is a computer, it is a completely different type of computer than the ones we're used to.

Full article at

1 comment:

DavidsDiary said...

hm. you are cool. you remember information. congrats.
hm i guess you could say its humbling
more humbling is getting owned by wave after wave on the beach then cramping up in your calves. its funny how ive never been more cramped than while surfing/bodyboarding