Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I think something's wrong with me. Two years post college, and I'm still scared to death for my parents health, still feeling paralyzed and slow in making friends and getting to know people, still obsessive-compulsively going online and wasting the hours away. Still not responsible, still procrastinating, still feeling like I'm getting away with it all by just putting off the consequences of anything I do.

Quarter life crisis, maybe?


Jose A. said...

Perhaps. Maybe you just need a change of circumstances. Try seriously committing yourself to something; anything that will put serious responsibilities on you.

College/Grad school have a way of sucking you into an unstructured, seemingly pointless existence.

Or maybe you're just having a bad day. :)

jchan985 said...

Haha, like parenthood, perhaps?

Mithun said...

Jesse, please don't go run out right now and have a baby.

(More serious comment to come later).

jennifer said...

Can I ask, why are you scared to death for your parents' health? Feel free not to answer if you don't want to.

jchan985 said...

@mithun low chance of that happening :P

@jenn no reason at all, really. they're healthy from what I know. I think I'm 1) just afraid in general because they are getting older after all, and 2) realizing more what family means to me as I've gotten older, esp as I've sort of left my old familiar community. I think the second is the more key reason here.

jennifer said...

Maybe I'm just too practical. Of course as people get older they will eventually sicken and yes, die. Ties will be lost. But that day hasn't come yet for your family. And I think that every day for which it hasn't should be celebrated. It will inevitably happen one day, in which case you'll have plenty of opportunity for fear and other assorted negative emotions at that time. Until then though, it just seems there are so many other positive and joyful emotions to be felt instead.

The rest, honestly just sounds like regular old grad school to me :P

DavidsDiary said...
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